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Virtual Tours

Virtual Tours Using Still Images What are virtual tours and why are they important in the world of real estate? As the word signifies a virtual tour of a property or a home is an attempt to replicate the experience of a physical tour of the property or the house. Here in, one captures images […]

Photo Manipulation

Photo Manipulation Photo manipulation though articulates the process effectively, seems to have a negative connotation, the most popular and oft used term would be photo editing or photo enhancement. It is more manipulation though, greater so in professional photography, where in most photographers choose to shoot in the RAW format, where in all the elements […]

Point & Shoot Vs DSLR Cameras

Point & Shoot Vs DSLR Cameras As more and more people are buying cameras and the camera becoming affordable this is an oft asked question, not by the first time buyer but others too – Point & Shoot compact cameras or the DSLR? One of the reasons this question is being asked more frequently is […]

Lens Hoods

Lens Hoods In photography and cameras probably the least understood, underused and underestimated piece of equipment is possibly the lens hood. It is made worse by a perception that it is an accessory used by photographers for them be perceived as more serious. All of this is far from the truth. The lens hood is […]

Image Manipulation, a Necessary Evil

  Image Manipulation, a Necessary Evil   In realistic world life is far from ideal, but there is one area where nothing short of perfect is of any use, and that is the field of advertising. With the increase in the number of choices, the companies rely mostly on advertisements to capture the attention of […]

Drone Photography

Drone Photography A good place to start would be with the question what are Drones? What are Quadcopters? Both are unmanned aerial vehicles. One could call them miniature versions of a plane and helicopter respectively. The Quadcopter is so named since they have rotors (as seen in the helicopters) and they have four of them […]

   How to Earn Money Through Photography?

   How to Earn Money Through Photography? People are not often blessed with the chance to turn their hobbies into money making ventures. Most of the hobbies even end up creating a hole in your wallet. This was the case with old school film photography, but a lot has changed thanks to digital photography which […]

Bringing back old life

1 Bringing Back Old Images to Life Human beings have always been in love with concept of immortality and the need to leave their mark for the future generations to see. Along with cave drawings the art of sculpting arrived and one had to be part of the royal family to even dream of getting […]

Bringing Back Old Images to Life

  Bringing Back Old Images to Life Human beings have always been in love with concept of immortality and the need to leave their mark for the future generations to see. Along with cave drawings the art of sculpting arrived and one had to be part of the royal family to even dream of getting […]

Murphy’s Law at work in Photography

Murphy’s Law at work in Photography Murphy in broad states that all that can go wrong will go wrong. In all probability, all at the same time and in a moment when you can least afford them to go wry. A phenomenon we see often and has become a part of common parlance, to say […]
