Perfect Images Reality
Perfect images, now a reality! There are a few things that can replace experience, or even dream of compensating for the lack experience. One such thing is the development in the s
Car Photography Tips
Car Photography tips As specialized as product photography is, automobile is a greater specialization and to be more specific Car Photography. The images and photographs of cars pl
Photography with Smartphones
In today’s fast changing times trends and fashion change just as fast. Social behaviour, habit, trends and choices are no exception. The advent and the mercurial growth of sm
Time Travel Through Images
Time Travel Through Images Whether it is the need to leave something behind, or the drive towards immortality, whatever let the case be, there has always been a lot of importanc
One Album, One Story
One Album, One Story It is not one bit uncommon for a professional photographer or for that matter a good amatuer photographer to be asked to shoot an album that encomposes within
What Kind of Photographer are You? (Part 1)
What Kind of Photographer are You? (Part 1) Human beings are creatures of passion and are largely impulsive. When we are drawn towards anything that is mildly interesting we try to
What is image clipping?
Image Clipping Services What is image clipping? Image clipping is a long and complicated process by which elements are removed or modified to highlight the central theme/desired
PHOTO EDITING INDIA There was a time when people dreamed about computers and dreamed at length about the different ways in which it can help change the world. We went to two extrem
Photo Editing and its increasing importance in modern times
From the time we have started replicating objects be it real or imaginary in forms of images, as paintings, drawings, sketches or photographs, always one has also been striving