Clothing entrepreneurs will be familiar with the term “ghost mannequin service”. Most photo editing companies offer this service to ecommerce clients, predominantly. All of those companies use different names including “wrist removal”, “invincible mannequin”, “invincible wrist” and “neck joint services”. All of these terms refer to the same service, which is more popularly known as “ghost mannequin”.
This particular editing technique comes under the broader category of photo manipulation. Those who visit ecommerce product pages often wonder how photographers take apparel product photos. Even professional photographers face some challenges when they capture the images of apparels or garments. This is the main reason why their employers seek the help of providers of neck joint services.
Photo Editing India is one such company, which provides various image editing services to clients including invincible mannequin. This is a complex editing process that requires keen attention to detail from the part of editors. Image editors will need to concentrate on both the color developments of apparel images and their quality. This is why it is important to seek the help of experienced professionals, with access to modern editing software for this task.
This service usually involves removing the dummy, which wears the cloth, with the use of a product photo editing program. Ecommerce businesses avail neck joint service to composite the front and back parts of the neck, especially, in an apparel image. This will considerably enhance the quality of your photo, which in turn makes a striking first impression on potential buyers. As a result, they will be urged to check out these products on an ecommerce platform.
As per a recent study, people decide whether or not to buy a product from a store in 30 seconds. This means you have around 30 seconds to convince customers that you sell top-quality garments.
So, you should keep your potential buyers occupied with attractive product photos and get visitors to check them out. This is where our experts who do neck joint services can help ecommerce website owners like you. If you are seeking a unique way to display your garments, our in-house team can give you the desired outputs.
They have dealt with numerous challenging neck joint services and delivered appreciable outputs each time. As our primary concern is customer satisfaction, we will do all the things possible from our end to make sure that you are satisfied with the final images.

Our Services
Clipping Path Photo Editing Services